Heart rate analysis

Cracking the heart rate code.

Driftline's patent pending heart rate analytics divide the exercise-induced heart rate curve into components, reflecting the use of fuels (creatine, carbs, and fats) by different energy systems within different type aerobic muscle fibers (see graph below).

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Driftline proudly claims that the enigma of the heart rate code has finally been cracked!

A new threshold system

The five exercise thresholds.

Driftline is presenting the Exercise Threshold System, a true breakthrough in exercise science. Human muscle consists of three major types of muscle fibers, i.e., slow oxidative fibers, fast oxidative/glycolytic fibers, and fast glycolytic fibers. With increasing exercise intensity, the muscle recruits progressively faster fibers and transitions are reflected in five evenly spaced exercise thresholds (T1 - T5).

024681012141618202224262830T1T2T3T4T5ThresholdsT1 - T5Speed thresholds (T1 - T5) in km/h

T1 is named endurance threshold, since it reflects the ratio of slow, aerobic muscle fibers and determines the individual's aerobic endurance. T2 is named Critical threshold, since it is critical for endurance performance and coincides with this familiar scientific threshold. T5 is named Max speed threshold, since it represents the individual's absolute maximum speed.

The discovery of endurance

The first true measure of aerobic endurance.

Driftline's new endurance parameter scales between 0 - 100% and reflects the proportion of slow, aerobic muscle fibers. A high-endurance runner will get good mileage from glucose stores and produce competitive race times over long distances. In short, endurance is fuel preservation through muscle efficiency.

024681012141618202224262830T1T2T3T4T550%Endurance30.0 km/hMax speed

The speedometer above shows how endurance reflects the alignment of exercise thresholds. Use the endurance slider to explore the threshold alignment. Endurance is minimized when thresholds are in distal alignment (T1 equals zero) and maximized when they are in proximal alignment (T1 equals half of T5). The discovery of endurance is poised to become an important milestone in exercise physiology.

Maximum running speed

Finding the maximum speed.

Maximum speed is one of two the major performance factors for running, the other being Endurance. Based on Driftline's principle of threshold alignment, the maximum speed is easily extrapolated, since it equals the highest of the five exercise thresholds (T5).

Max speed30.0 kph

The speedometer above shows the threshold speed levels for the specific case of 50% endurance. The maximum speed is always fixed as the T5 threshold. You can use the Max speed slider to see how the other thresholds are directly related to the max speed. Driftline has discovered how to measure maximum running speed indirectly, based on a leisurely run.

Prediction of race times

Endurance and max speed dictate performance over any given distance. Use the time machine to predict your own race times.

The Endurometer

The dashboard to your engine.

The Endurometer is your personal running speedometer. It displays your vital fitness statistics, such as Endurance, max speed, exercise thresholds and performance zones. You can use the sliders to explore how the running fitness is dictated by max speed and endurance.

024681012141618202224262830T1T2T3T4T550%Endurance30.0 km/hMax speed
Max speed30.0 kph

Patented analytics

Patented heart rate analytics

Driftline's international patent titled A method and system for determining exercise parameters including aerobic endurance based on heart rate curve analysis is registered by the European patent office (EPO).

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