About us

Driftline is based on independent scientific discoveries

Driftline is based on its founder's lifetime of self-exploration and innovation in the field of human physiology. The father and son team of Agnar Steinarsson and Steinar Agnarsson had the clear mission of solving one of science’s old mysteries. They set out to discover the missing link of exercise physiology, a true measure of aerobic endurance. Through a scientific approach and a shared passion of puzzle-solving, they achieved their goal and founded Driftline in 2018.

The two original founders.

Agnar Steinarsson was born with a passion for solving puzzles and through his 30-year successful career as a marine biologist, fisheries scientist, project manager and entrepreneur, he has published many scientific papers on fish physiology. Drawing from this scientific background, and fostered by his other passion for running, he began his independent journey of innovation into the field of human physiology. Three years later, after hundreds of trials with runners and sports teams, he developed a novel new independent theory on human exercise physiology and discovered the first true measure of aerobic endurance.

However, it took another five years for this original idea to start gaining momentum. With the advent of wrist-based heart rate monitors there was now a possibility to measure endurance directly through a novel analysis of heart rate kinetics.

Our second-generation founder, Steinar Agnarsson, shared his father's passion for puzzle solving and decided to finish what his father had started. He selected the heart rate kinetic theory as his dissertation project in Computer engineering from the University of Iceland in 2017. The theory and methodology matured significantly during this project and the business potential was obvious.

The father and son team founded Driftline in 2018, with the main purpose of developing software solutions for heart rate analysis. Driftline's third founder, Arnar Pétursson, joined Driftline in 2019. Arnar is one of Iceland's best-known runners and running coaches and holds undergraduate degrees in Economics and master's degrees in corporate finance, auditing, and accounting. He wrote a best-selling book on running, published in 2019.

The third founder.

Driftline has received public research funding from the Icelandic Research Council (IRC) since 2018 and acquired private funding in early 2021.

Driftline's international PCT patent is registered at the European Patent Office (EPO). The patent provides the first test method to correctly identify all exercise thresholds and the first physiologically sound definition of aerobic endurance on a scale of 0-100%.

Driftline operates in the fast-expanding market for personal health and fitness assessment and is specializing in the development of smartphone applications and analytical software. The analytics were originally developed for the performance analysis and training of athletes but are now also being developed for personal health monitoring, exercise guidance, and weight management of middle-aged and elderly citizens.

The Driftline methodology offers multiple advantages over the current state-of-the-art and could potentially offer scientifically based fitness tracking for the Silver Generation. The population aging trend carries many demographic health challenges such as declining cardiorespiratory fitness, increased obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Driftline is on a mission to revolutionize the future of fitness analytics.

Meet the founders

Founder photo not foundAgnar SteinarssonCEO
Founder photo not foundSteinar Sindri AgnarssonCTO
Founder photo not foundArnar PéturssonCFO